Friday 16 July 2010

3 weeks later

Today is going to have to be a quick one.

Put your standard on the following:
Monfils at evens
Ferrero at 1/3
Soderling at 1/8
Ferrer at 2/11

Rory Mcilroy to be leader at the end of round 2 at 12/5.

The bet of the day is in the U20s Womens World Cup gam between Brazil and Sweden

Put 20 times your standard on the Over 2.5 goals at 11/10 at Betfair and put 21 times your standard on the Under 2.5 goals at evens at StanJames. This will win us one standard.

We'll use the same method that served us well last time by backing the outsider in each T20 game today, so put your standard on the following:

Gloucestershire at 7/4
Leicestershire at 6/5
Worcestershire at 7/4
Kent at evens
Northants at 6/5
Middlesex at 6/5
Essex at 11/8

Put 5 times your standard on Bangladesh to beat Ireland at 4/7.

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